Learn from the experts about the applications and must-have skills needed to create games. Through this course, you’ll have the knowledge and expertise to develop your own game from scratch. 

Why choose Agate Game Course in Unreal Engine?


Get insights and guidance from game industry professionals certified with Unreal Authorized Instructor (UAI). 


Material delivery is in Bahasa Indonesia, making it easier for you to grasp the content.

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Build valuable relationships and create opportunities for growth and success with like-minded individuals!

Available Courses

Fundamental Game Design

Wujudkan desain gamemu dalam prototype game non-digital. Pahami juga proses dan peluang di industri game dan jadilah kreator game profesional mulai dari sini!


3D Modeling & Animation untuk Game Action-Adventure

Pelajari cara membuat dan menganimasikan karakter, mendesain properti game, dan merangkainya menjadi game action adventure yang memukau. Mulai wujudkan dunia game impianmu sekarang!


Membuat Stealth Game dengan AI Programming

Kuasai pemrograman AI untuk menciptakan game stealth yang cerdas dan menegangkan. Buat pengalaman bermain ke level berikutnya!


Membuat Adventure Game dengan 3C Programming

Pelajari penguasaan character, control, dan camera untuk menciptakan game adventure yang seru dan imersif. Jadikan ide kreatifmu menjadi kenyataan!


Available Courses

Data-driven Game Programming

Learn the features of Unity and Github for creating quiz games using a set of data, including core gameplay, UI, and more. Then, you’ll create your own version of a quiz game. 

1 Month

Rp. 200.000

Rp. 200.000

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3D Physic-based Game Programming

Learn the features of Unity and Github for creating 3D games, including in-game physic, score and UI, camera effect, and more. Then, you’ll create your own version of a pinball game. 

1 Month

Rp. 200.000

Rp. 200.000

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Basic 3D Character Animation 

Learn the features and applications of Blender for creating animations on a 3D model. Then, you’ll create a set of animations for a humanoid character and implement them in Unity. 

1 Month

Rp. 200.000

Rp. 200.000

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Low Poly 3D Modeling & Texturing 

Learn the features of Blender from basic 3D concept to texturing for creating low poly 3D models. Then, you’ll create a human character model based on a theme provided by us.

1 Month

Rp. 200.000

Rp. 200.000

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2D Physic-based Game Programming 

Learn the features of Unity and GitHub for creating 2D games, including basic gameplay, power-ups in the game, UI, debugger, and more. Then, you’ll create your own version of game Pong.

1 Month

Rp. 200.000

Rp. 200.000

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Game Development

Learn the fundamentals of game development, starting from its stages, core mechanics, core loop, making game premise, and more. Then, you’ll create a new card game or board game based on your ideas.

1 Month

Rp. 65.000

Rp. 65.000

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AI Game Programming

Get started with AI game programming by mastering navmesh and state machines in Unity. This course prepares you to create engaging AI elements for your games.

1 Month

Rp. 200.000

Rp. 200.000

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3D Basic Hard Surface Modeling and Texturing

Acquire proficiency in Blender’s features for environment creation, and learn to seamlessly merge them to Unity.

1 Month

Rp. 200.000

Rp. 200.000

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Game Development

Learn the fundamentals of game development, starting from its stages, core mechanics, core loop, making game premise, and more. Then, you’ll create a new card game or board game based on your ideas.

1 Month

Rp. 65.000

Rp. 65.000

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Interested to Join the Course?

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

a. Create an Agate Game Course account at the following link: https://course.agate.id/login/

b. Select the course of your interest. See the available courses here: https://course.agate.id/

c. Click the pay button (labeled “bayar”) in enrolment page.

d. Pay the fees using the available payment methods. See the tutorial here

e. You have been registered as a participant in one of the Agate Game Course programs.

You’ll receive the following:  

1) Access to course materials throughout the course period.  

2) Mentor guidance during the course period. This guidance includes chat support via Discord on weekdays and one live session.  

3) You’ll get lifetime access to the Agate Game Course participants’ community Discord platform. 

The Agate Game Course program is designed to be completed within one month. 

Your access to the course will be closed, and you’ll be considered as not having completed the course. However, you’ll receive a discount voucher to be used if you intend to participate in the course again on another occasion. 

You’ll receive a certificate and grade book. Agate Academy will also share your CV and portfolio with our hiring partners, and you’ll receive regular updates on job vacancies in the game industry.

Ready to Get Started?

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