Empowers educators with the skills to teach game creation for students, aligning with SKKNI No 18/2022.
We offer a comprehensive course in game development for teachers.

Why choose Agate Game Course for Teachers?

Learn From
the Expert

Get guidance from game industry professionals.



Materials Delivered in Bahasa Indonesia

as a Team

Collaborative learning community

Learning Materials

We offer teaching materials focused on

Game Programming

Master the use of popular game engines such as Unreal Engine and Unity

Game Art

Master 3D modeling and animation using Blender

Game Design

Master the principles of game creation, from game mechanics design to level design

Course Options


Our standard course offers a pre-defined curriculum with a proven track record and ensure maximum benefit.

Minimum participants: 10 people 
5 x 3-hour online live session 

Rp. 200.000

Rp. 200.000

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Customize topics, duration, and delivery format to perfectly suit your time and needs. 

Discuss the exact methods you want with us

Rp. 200.000

Rp. 200.000

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Our Activities

Our Activities

DTS FGA Incubated Games

What Our Academians Say

What Our Academian Say

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

This program is conducted entirely online. 

Yes, individuals can apply. You will be placed in a team that needs your skills.  

The stages that participants need to go through are as follows: 

  • Registration 
  • Technical skill test 
  • Training implementation, consisting of 2 phases: 
  • Phase 1: Intensive basic training to enhance both hard and soft skills for 1 month. This will be followed by a selection phase leading to phase 2. The top 5 teams will be chosen to continue to Phase 2. 
  • Phase 2: The top 5 best teams will receive advanced knowledge on pre-production to prototype stage for 2 months. 

During the program, you will receive learning materials that are relevant to the current industry needs. There will be opportunities for direct mentorship from game industry professionals. Upon completion, you will receive a certificate from the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (Kominfo) and Agate. 

Learn More About The Course!

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